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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to your course

    • Meet your trainer - Mark

    • Meet your trainer - Nevil

    • Meet your trainers Mark and Nevil

    • Welcome to the course

    • Your starter quiz

  • 2

    Personal impact and understanding self

    • Communicating for you and communicating for others

    • What motivates you and what motivates others?

    • What motivates you and what motivates others

    • What motivates you and what motivates others (part 2)? **

    • Theories of motivation **

    • Emotional intelligence

    • Conflict and conflict management

    • Conflict styles – dealing with conflict

    • Comfort zones and confidence

    • Personal impact and understanding self - final thoughts

  • 3

    Stakeholder mapping

    • An introduction to understanding your stakeholders

    • Stakeholder mapping (understanding your stakeholders)

    • Interest and power

    • Stakeholder mapping template

    • Stakeholder management - final thoughts

  • 4

    Planning stakeholder management and engagement

    • How to best engage each group of stakeholders

    • Building and maintaining trust

    • Building trust - your guide

    • Understanding other's needs (and how to deliver against them)

    • Questioning quiz, open, closed or ajar?

    • Questioning and listening skills

    • Planning stakeholder management & engagement - final thoughts **

  • 5

    Developing and maintaining positive stakeholder relationships

    • Understanding the political landscape

    • Your perception and your perception of stakeholder engagement

    • Maintaining stakeholder relationships using the Okay Corral

    • Understanding your own biases

    • Assumptions and bias (the good and bad)

    • Developing and maintaining positive stakeholder relationships, final thoughts

  • 6

    Handling courageous conversations

    • Positioning around stakeholder communications and why we focus on courageous conversation and not challenging

    • Preparing for courageous conversations

    • Handling courageous conversations and sources of power

    • Handling courageous conversations - final thoughts

  • 7

    Influencing and negotiation

    • Influencing and speaking truth to power

    • Influencing upwards (what causes your manager’s sleepless nights)

    • Influencing style questionnaire

    • Influencing style profile

    • Influencing and negotiation - final thoughts

  • 8

    Stakeholder management and engagement summary

    • Summary and final thoughts on stakeholder management and engagement

    • Stakeholder management and engagement summary document