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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to your course.

  • 2

    What is networking?

  • 3

    Building relationships and business development

  • 4

    Your comfort zones when networking

    • Background to your comfort zones

    • How can we see our comfort zones?

    • Rate your comfort zones when networking

    • A quick check, are these things inside or outside of your comfort zone?

    • Explaining why you answered and how your comfort zones affect & change your behaviour

    • A simple technique for reducing your discomfort

    • Summary of your comfort zones when networking

  • 5

    Confidence when networking:

  • 6

    PRE planning your networking event

  • 7

    Virtual and online networking

    • Virtual and online networking events – what are they?

    • Additional preparation before a virtual event

  • 8

    The networking event: Icebreakers and developing conversations

    • Simple tips for breaking the ice and starting a conversation

    • Summary of breaking the ice

    • Starting a conversation - your favourite lines

    • Why developing conversations is critical

    • TED - another great questioning technique

    • Questioning tips when networking

    • HELP - This person is talking to me, how do I move on?

    • Summary of simple tips for moving on

    • Summary of the networking event: Icebreakers and developing conversations

  • 9

    At the networking event: Introductions

    • So what do you do?

    • Answering the "What do you do?" question

    • Review your answer to the "What do you do?"

    • Answering the "What do you do?" question

    • Simple tips for your introduction

    • My new answer to the "what do you do?" question

    • Summary of at the networking event: Introductions

  • 10

    At the networking event: groups and exhibitions

    • 3 tips to break into groups & 3 tips to avoid creating your own closed groups

    • Making the most of expos and exhibitions

    • Summary of at the networking event: groups

  • 11

    At the networking event: adding value to relationships

    • Adding value to your network

    • Adding value when you network

    • Mapping your own example - adding value when you network

    • Summary of adding value to relationships

  • 12

    After the networking event

    • Why is follow up key?

    • What is the most effective way to follow up after a networking event?

    • Simple tips to make your follow up effective

    • Summary of after the networking event

  • 13

    Bringing it all together

    • What have we have learned about networking

    • Networking guide book

    • Now you have completed your course, rate your comfort zones when networking

    • Summary of networking for professionals

Networking for Professionals reviews

See what our clients have to say about this course

Eye opener

Hena Syed Ahmed

The what is networking part of the course is eye opening and a very helpful reminder that everyone we know is part of our network. The mapping your network t...

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The what is networking part of the course is eye opening and a very helpful reminder that everyone we know is part of our network. The mapping your network task was really useful in stripping back who is a gate opener/ contact to potential customers and who is a potential customer. The task has helped me pull together a list of people I will be reaching out to when starting my freelance work after Ramadan.

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